6 Important Tips to Get the Most out of Business Networking


We may well be into the 21st Century, but that old adage, “it’s not who you know, but who know’s you” continues ringing true.

In fact, some people (myself included) have gone further with, “it’s not who knows you, but who remembers you” that counts.

The Art of Successful Networking for both personal and professional success are still key components in our world today. Yet, it is still an area that many of us fall short of, mainly because a significant proportion of us operate behind the miracle and wonders of the computer, and that good teachers on the subject are far and few between.

Here then, is a list of 6 Tips on How to Get the Most out of Business Networking  
(Adapted from the Financial Post – Read the Original Article Here)

1. Commitment

Commit yourself to speaking to people you haven’t met, and avoid the comfort of just hanging around familiar faces.

Commit yourself too, to having quality conversations, and by that I mean finding out about what they do, how you can help them and vice versa.

2. Dress the Part

The business world is a big marketplace, but that doesn’t mean you should dress like you are actually at one.

The way you dress, reflects how much effort and consideration you’ve put into your personal and professional branding. A haphazard ‘put-together’ suggests you don’t care – and if you don’t why should others?

3. Be Professional

Being professional means applying a skill or practice in the course of work, and that takes effort – effort which goes over and beyond what you would normally do in the personal sphere.

Being professional, thus requires you to prepare the “tools of your trade” and doing everything which is necessary to get the job done and done well. This includes preparing your name cards (the crisp and nice ones), polishing your shoes, reading up on who might be attending the event, and what they might be interested in etc.

4. Seize the Initiative

Don’t rely on others to take the lead. Be first to break the ice; they are probably just as nervous as you are and are also there for a purpose.

5. It’s Not Over Even After Its Over

A big mistake most people make at the end of a networking event, is thinking that it’s over after everybody’s gone home.

It’s not.

That people have gone home means that your work has entered the second phase of “staying in touch”. When the dust’s settling, that’s when you get the breeze going by keeping in touch and reminding them you are keeping them in mind (preferably with ways to help them in whatever ways necessary).

In a subtle way, it is also an indirect way of reminding them to keep a look out for opportunities for you.

Regardless, it’s still a great way to have them remember you – and that’s important, isn’t it?

6. Stay Visible

Join a networking/professional group or volunteer your services. Whatever it may be, the key point here is that you should be able to meet new people, show others what you are capable and continuously apply Tips 1-5.

Offer to speak at events, or publish articles; position yourself as the “go-to” person in your industry.

At the end of the day, it’s more important about who knows (and remembers) you, than who you know, is it not?


Do you have any other tips where it comes to Networking? Share it in the comments section below!


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The 10 Reasons Why No One Knows What They’re Doing in Their 20s

Where are you heading?


I came across this interesting post, whilst randomly surfing for interesting articles (which is a good thing) to read.

I must say, having started my career in my early 20s, that I found the list highly relatable and that I agree it to a large extent.

Points 1, 6, 7, 9 and 10 will probably get the biggest YES! from me, seeing that they were the main things I made a conscious effort to go against.

I do however, find points 2 and points 10 a little big oxymoronic, since the latter could be seen as an attempt by the “junkie” to live in the present, and I do wish that I can be more present as I go about fighting for the things I want in life.

Still, it makes for interesting reading. Tell me what you think about the 10 Reasons.

Which ones do agree with and why? Share your thoughts in the comments column below.

Continue reading The 10 Reasons Why No One Knows What They’re Doing in Their 20s

The Power of Storytelling: 10 Reasons Why Stories Are Such Powerful Tools

We’ve heard a lot about it. Speakers use it. Politicians love it… But Storytellers started it.

What exactly endears an audience to stories? And what makes it such a powerful communication and learning tool that has stood the test of time?

Here are 10 Reasons Why Storytelling is Such a Powerful & Effective Learning Tool.

Continue reading The Power of Storytelling: 10 Reasons Why Stories Are Such Powerful Tools

Shaping Your World With Your Body Language!

Still curious about what you can learn from and do with body language ?

Let Amy Cuddy share you insights on body language and how, when you change the way you hold your body, you change the way you influence your behavior and surroundings.

You can read the transcript here.

Learn it, do it.

Get out there, share and make a difference!

Upcoming Workshop: The Public Speaking Secrets of Steve Jobs and Barack Obama


I’m proud to announce, that after MONTHS of preparations, we’re finally ready to bring to you our latest public education workshop on the Public Speaking Secrets of Steve Jobs and Barack Obama!

After spending hundreds of hours reviewing some of the best speeches presented by this two maestros on stage, we’ve distilled several key lessons that you can take away in the span of three hours.


Our research team has worked round the clock to review and distill hundreds of hours worth of research and lessons into 3 power-packed hours for your educational benefit.

And if you’re wondering if it’s all talk and no play… I can assure that cannot be further from the truth.

Included in this workshop (repeat, WORKSHOP!) will be opportunities for you to practice, share and network with other like-minded, positive individuals.

Your investment, if you’re coming alone (why!?) would be a mere S$50/-.

That’s $10/- per skill!

But I’m going to throw in some sweeteners for you. Come with a friend (or friends!) and we’ll give you 20% off each ticket. That’s $40/- per person if you come with your friends!

Good deal?








Nah… I cannot help it. Let’s get the party started. For those of you who are really keen, and ready to take advantage (of me), I’ll be throwing in an early registration promotion. Sign up now with a friend and enjoy each ticket at $25/- only.

You heard me right: $25/- only!

That’s 50% off the original price!

All to reward your enthusiasm and for being proactive when it comes to learning.

To register, simply click on the following link:


Select the respective ticketing options, register with participant details and you’re set.

It’s that simple!

So what are you waiting for?

Register for the workshop today!

For more information on the programme, simply click on the event poster and scroll through the posters. Alternatively, you may reach me by mail at gary@garyguwe.com or gary@speak-ventures.com. Drop me a mail at either address and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Here’s looking forward to meeting you soon!

Best Regards,

Gary G

Are You an Influential Communicator?

Presentation Maestro

One of the few people that consistently come to mind, when I ask participants at my workshop who they thought was a great speaker, would be the late Steve Jobs. Make no mistake about it, hate him or love him, he did set the stages he graced alight and abuzz whenever he took to it.

Many people wondered if it was just the “Mac” factor, the undeniable success brought forth by line of sexy and elegant gadgets that Apple has come to be known for.

Or was there more?

Continue reading Are You an Influential Communicator?

Keep them Coming!

Dear Friends!

Thank you very much for your love and support! The number of queries and emails I’ve been getting have been amazing, and over the last week or so, there have been so many more of you (shy people!) choosing to connect and share with me your concerns over Facebook.

I must say, I am really encouraged to receive so many queries and appreciation over the last couple of weeks, and I do hope you keep all your questions coming in! I may not be able to realistically help everybody, but I’ll do what I can.

Connect with me over facebook at www.facebook.com/gary.guwe (preferred)

Or email me at gary@garyguwe.com.

Here’s looking forward to hearing from you soon!


Gary G




Connect with Me On Facebook! (It’s more happening there!)


for all you lovely people out there who keep coming back to my blog to read and re-read the articles and posts I’ve put up, I would like to thank you very much! You guys are awesome!

I would like to go one step further now to invite you to connect with me on my facebook wall at www.facebook.com/gary.guwe.

That’s where I usually spend more time updating and posting the more ‘fun’ stuff and the experiences I come across in life.

Just drop me a message to let me know you’re a reader of the blog, if it’s not too much trouble for you, yes?

If you’re looking for words of advice, you may leave them on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/theshyspeakersguide and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can.

For updates on our upcoming programmes, or partnership opportunities, you may drop me an email, or link up with us at https://www.facebook.com/SpeakVentures (yes, I’m legit, and I do run my own company and its operations!)

Keep in touch!



Singapore By-Election Aftermath: 5 Communication Tips for Campaigning Candidates

Hougang By-Election, Politics Singapore
Photo taken off Channel News Asia

Those of you residing in Singapore would probably know the story. It was a breathtaking two weeks of hustings with a local by-election in the electoral division of Hougang. For quite an extended period, the Opposition Workers Party seemed to be on its back foot as talks of party disunity, indiscipline and issues of integrity dominated the headlines.

Political observers, initially in unison in their analysis that despite it being the opposition’s stronghold, a number of voters could be swayed to support the ruling party, due in part of reasons why the by-election was called for in the first place. Yet, as allegations and issues surrounding the opposition party and its members surfaced, the ruling party seemed to jump on unto the bandwagon to amplify the issues in a bid to whip and collect political advantage.

Unsurprising I would say. It’s politics. It’s a game of one-upsmanship. Why let your opponents go, when you can use the opportunity to show the world, the audience – your voters – that your opponents are not up to the mark? That their quality, or or abilities are not up to par, or even their arguments and proposals are fundamentally flawed?

Unfortunately, what seemed to be a natural, political move, seems to have backfired, again, and the electorate returned the constituency to the opposition, margin of 62.09% to 37.91% of the total number of eligible votes.

Political commentators responded in their analysts, that the ruling PAP should’ve and could’ve narrowed down the margin… but the PAP’s constant harping on integrity issues and their attempts to pull down their opponents suggested that the ruling party “hadn’t learned their lesson” since the last General Elections.

Now I’m no political whiz, and my interest lies more in my country’s future than in political affiliations (i.e, I will vote for the best candidates available to me, after careful analysis of what they both stand for, and not necessarily along party lines).

However, based on my analysis as a speech coach and speaking strategist, it is my view that the old method of mudslinging at campaigns is over. Personality attacks simply do not work anymore, and whilst enough noise may still be generated from a sizable electorate in larger countries, the truth is that positive personalities… people who are likable are tend to draw crowds towards them and their ideas like moths to a flame.

The point in contention here isn’t just about content. You can give the best speech in the world… but nobody will buy it if they don’t trust you, and if they don’t trust you, they won’t like you, and if they don’t like you, they won’t buy you or buy from you.

Nobody cares about how much you know, until they know how much you care – John C. Maxwell

It’s not only a battle of minds, for minds, but also a battle for hearts.

I’ll be the first to acknowledge, that Continue reading Singapore By-Election Aftermath: 5 Communication Tips for Campaigning Candidates

A Big Thank You!

It’s been an upward climb and an incredible journey, but we’ve been recognized as one of the country’s best! And we cannot have done it without you!

Our nomination and award came in as a surprise – it was not something we (my business partner and myself) were chasing, although we would be lying if we denied that we were secretly hoping for something in the like of the award to come along to raise our profile. It is essential, after all, that good ideas need to be transmitted, spread, communicated for anybody to do well – and we are glad that we’d caught the eye of the judging panel during their selection and awarding process, particularly in a competitive business environment in Singapore.

The milestone is a testament of the amount of hard work we’ve poured into, not only building the company as a training and coaching entity, but also as symbol that hard work does get rewarded – and communication is important.

What must also be highlighted also is, at the end of the day, that effective communication does not merely involve talking (the production of sounds) or language (words) – but a whole myriad of considerations involving psychology, body language and sociological considerations.

Sounds complicated, I know. What it means in a nutshell, is that we’ve got to understand and take into account, the different personalities that we speak to, their personal and cultural backgrounds, and also how ideas, information and emotions may be reflected through non-verbal cues.

Those, combined with an awareness of the situation and one’s ability to deliver an appropriate message all contribute towards one achieving success on stage.

Sound simple enough, I know. Easy to implement, no.

And that is one of the key reasons why we’re still in business – and doing one heck of a job empowering individuals like you in the area too.

So watch this space. For we’ll be coming back with more time-tested tips on what you can do to be come a better speaker soon!

And very importantly, thank you very much for the support!

Yours Sincerely,


PS: Join me on Facebook at the following pages, to receive more up-to-date information and access to great articles on public speaking, business and personal empowerment!


Gary’s Profile Page: https://www.facebook.com/gary.guwe [Get Up Close and Personal!]

The Shy Speakers’ Guide: https://www.facebook.com/theshyspeakersguide [Get Tips and Speech Updates!]

Speak! Ventures: https://www.facebook.com/SpeakVentures [Get Updates on Upcoming Training Events]

The New Entrepreneurs Network: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-New-Entrepreneurs-Network/189237168445 [Receive Updates on some of the Best Articles on Business and Personal Empowerment]

Why You Must Speak!

Ideas are a matter of taste. What is a good idea to some is a bad idea or boring to others.

A good idea is a clever solution to a problem – one I have never seen before.

But if an idea is not taken up and used as a solution to a problem, it has no value.

It becomes a non-idea.

Lying in a drawer, it is useless.

Worse than useless, it’s a complete waste of space.

Ideas have to be applied before they can be recognized as good ideas.

Even a bad idea executed is better than a good idea undone.

The longer it is used, the better the idea is considered to be.

That is why the wheel is considered the best idea ever!

– A page out of Paul Arden’s book

What does this have got to do with Public Speaking you say?


Continue reading Why You Must Speak!

The One Rule You Must Know If You Want to Be A Better Speaker

Too many people spend too much time trying to perfect something before they actually do it. Instead of waiting for perfection, run with what you go, and fix it along the way…

– Paul Arden – International Best Selling Writer

Many a times, many people think themselves to death when they think about public speaking. They shudder when they think about what other people might think of them on stag. They cringe and cry, paralyzed by over analyzing the situation. Then they give up – running away is always easier.

So much for learning a skill! Continue reading The One Rule You Must Know If You Want to Be A Better Speaker

iSalute to a Legendary Visionary

The world woke up to a startling reality today. The world lost a revolutionary leader… a legend who, through his passion and brought on a new era in technological development and living with technology.

Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev, said: ‘People like Steve Jobs change our world.

American President, Barack Obama, said: He transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.’

Even Bill Gates, founder of rival company Microsoft paid tribute to Steve Jobs as one who ” has had a profound impact  on the world, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come”

Love him or hate him, nobody can deny impact and imprint Steve Jobs had left on the on world, on technology, and on our lives.

For me, he was more than the chief designer of my favorite techs: my iPhone 3G (yes… and I have not decided if I would like to get my hands on the 4S) and my MacBook Pro – the first computer I’d fully bought for with money I earned.

To me, he was a visionar leader and role model who epitomized the qualities and person I strive to be: Passionate, Resolute, Charismatic and Eloquent. Did I mention too that he was a visionary?

Perhaps, what struck me hardest about Steve Jobs, was his resilience in pursuing a dream and vision, and putting across to the people he worked with, and to the world. As a Communications Coach and Presentation Skills Trainer, his speeches are the object of my intense research and analysis – and I continue to derive new strategies and techniques simply by watching him speak.

To me, he was more than a businessman – he was an artist – and few would disagree, that there are very few in the world who could marry Art, Technology and Business together successfully… and I continue to admire him for his craft and personality for making things happen and for keeping things fresh and exciting.

Perhaps then, that’s why the world continues to be enchanted by Apple and its products. It’s Steve’s spirit of “Impossible is Nothing” and “Just Do It” personified – traits that even Adidas and Nike have to bow down to respect.

Tim Cook, Steve Job’s success as CEO Apple, paid tribute by saying that “Steve Jobs left behind a company that only he could’ve built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple…”

In my opinion, I think Steve Jobs has left more than that. To that extent, I would like to leave you with arguably the best speech he has ever presented to – the three life lessons and stories he told to the world on a elevated Stanford Stage.

To all his admirers, those who admire good speakers and those who yearn and are fighting for a better life the message is simple:

Keep Going! Follow Your Heart!

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

Here’s wishing you all the best in your public speaking and personal development journey.


Gary Guwe
Your Public Speaking Coach


In tribute and celebration of a Life Well Lived