Tag Archives: Personal Branding

The 10 Reasons Why No One Knows What They’re Doing in Their 20s

Where are you heading?


I came across this interesting post, whilst randomly surfing for interesting articles (which is a good thing) to read.

I must say, having started my career in my early 20s, that I found the list highly relatable and that I agree it to a large extent.

Points 1, 6, 7, 9 and 10 will probably get the biggest YES! from me, seeing that they were the main things I made a conscious effort to go against.

I do however, find points 2 and points 10 a little big oxymoronic, since the latter could be seen as an attempt by the “junkie” to live in the present, and I do wish that I can be more present as I go about fighting for the things I want in life.

Still, it makes for interesting reading. Tell me what you think about the 10 Reasons.

Which ones do agree with and why? Share your thoughts in the comments column below.

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