I’ll Be Back…

By now, I believe many of you, my dear, faithful readers have realised that it’s taken me close to 20 days since I published my latest post.

No, I’ve not lost my enthusiasm for sharing or writing. Rather, I’ve quite simply had to prepare and do battle with a monster that all University students have to do battle with – the Examinations.

Ordinarily, it is technically possible for me to continue sharing with everybody ideas and insights into communication. However, I do not believe that I would be able to provide all you faithful readers with sufficient value and present my best whilst I’m actively engaged in ‘battle’. Yes, I do take lots of time, pride and effort to present and type my posts!

(That last post on the “Hook, Line and Sinker” method took me hours to prepare alone!)

But I’m not complaining. This is just part of my personal principle to provide the best possible to all my readers out there! Therefore, don’t worry if you don’t see me active over the next two weeks or so (my paper ends on the first week of December). I haven’t abandoned the blog.

Rest assured that I’m brimming with ideas and notes to share… and come December 10th I’ll be unleashing them all on this site again! Not only will I be sharing with you simple and easy to use strategies on how you can find your voice on stage, and deliver presentations for effect, I will also be throwing in two (maybe 3) book reviews on how you can enhance your performances in your public speaking, interpersonal relationships and dating lives!

Yes, they’re all powerful books, jam packed with easy to use and effect strategies on how you can take your speaking and communication capabilities up to the 10,000th level! (I’m not kidding!) Yes, yes, yes! That’s what lies in store for you in December!

But in the meantime, you might want to go through my archive again to see if you can gain a fresh perspective to ease some of current difficulties? Or take some time to think of some questions which you’d like me to answer! I’ll get back to them once the E Monster’s subdued!

Talk soon!

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